
Connect The PiCamera to the Raspberry Pi

Connect the Pi Camera to your Raspberry Pi, making sure the blue/white strip is facing upwards on the Raspberry Pi Zero.

pi zero connector


This PCB have all electronics needed to build a dashcam based on the Raspberry Pi Zero W. This HAT is natively supported by drideOS.

Dont have a Dride HAT yet? Buy one now

Step 1 | Get all components

In order to solider the HAT onto your PI you will need the following components:

  • 1 Raspberry Pi Zero W
  • Thin duck tape (Preferbly double sided)
  • Thin metal wire
  • Soldering iron

Step 2 | Soldering

> Isolate the Pi from the HAT by adding the duck tape on the Pi.

> Attach the HAT on top of the Raspberry Pi Zero and soldier the pieces together.

pi zero connector

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You can either buy or 3D print the Dride Case

pi zero connector



  • Pin #16 (BCM 23)
  • Pin #6 Ground


  • Pin #19 (BCM10) (MOSI)
  • Pin #1 - 3v
  • Pin #6 Ground


  • Pin #3 SDA
  • Pin #5 SCL
  • Pin #6 Ground
  • Pin #2 5v

Great job! Now you’ve got a fully functioning connected dashcam based on the Raspberry Pi!