

DrideOS is a specific customization of Raspbian "Jessie" built to run on the Dride & Dride Zero dashcams. This is a Debian Linux deriviative hosting common features you would find on any Linux computer.

There is no desktop/GUI support provided for this device type.

Support is included for these common programming languages/platforms:

  • Node JS v8.9.0

  • Python 2.7


The goal of drideOS is to build an open alternative for dashcam softwere so it could be easly implemented by both manufacturers and developers.

drideOS Architecture

Raspbian has been customized for specific use and named drideOS. The system architecture involves specific kernel modules, daemons, RESTful API' and watchdogs' to ensure an always available system with access from a remote device.


  • systemctl (start|stop) record - Control DVR functionality
  • systemctl (start|stop) ws - Providing the web services outlined here: API
  • systemctl (start|stop) ble - Control Bluetooth daemon

Cron Jobs

$> sudo crontab -l

Clean up diskspace removing oldest videos (Every minute):

* * * * * node /home/core/modules/video/helpers/cleaner.js

Encode un-encoded videos, will pause when app is connected (Every minute):

* * * * * node /home/core/modules/video/helpers/ensureAllClipsAreDecoded.js

Startup Sequence

Following normal system startup procedures boot, kernel modules, etc. DrideOS initiates the start of the two services.


  1. Welcome LED
  2. Start recording
  3. Start BLE daemon


  1. Start express server to serve the API


$> htop